Monday, February 1, 2010

Running a Half Marathon (gulp) . . . and . . . PRIZES!

In a move very much unlike me, I have signed up for training to run a half marathon this May 2, 2010! Along with it comes the commitment to raise at least $2,000.00 towards blood cancer research.

Those of you who know me understand that I'm not exactly a fitness buff, so this came out of left field. Why, you may be asking? Well, I'm training with an organization called Team In Training, which provides certified coaches, plus volunteer running mentors to all those who sign up for the program. I was really drawn to the supportive group environment. Plus, I knew if I committed to it, it would be impossible for me to drop out before reaching the goal!

I joined in order to personally work toward becoming more fit. But after our first 8:30 am run last Sunday (Yay! no rain!), I went for breakfast with 4 other team members and got a chance to get to know them better. Two of the people running are both survivors of Hodgkins and non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. One guy just got his remission news only 2 months ago! Someone commented that, 10 years ago, his diagnosis would have been a death sentence. That really hit home with me and made me realize how important it is to raise money since research really is progressing that fast.

So, to get the ball rolling on donations, I'm offering up some big incentive prizes! There will be other contests to follow, but the prizes won't be this big, so go ahead and donate NOW!

Anyone who donates $25.00 before February 14th will be entered in a draw to win $50.00 credit towards any BuenoStyle or OAK jewelry!

Anyone who donates $50.00 before February 14th will be entered in a draw to win $100.00 credit towards any BuenoStyle or OAK jewelry!

There's a very very good chance of winning this contest, as I have *just* barely started my fundraising campaign and not that many people even know about it yet!

All donations are tax deductible too!

You can donate on-line here. A tax receipt will be automatically emailed to you. Or, if you'd rather send a cheque, please just shoot me an email and I'll send you my mailing address, and a tax receipt will mailed out to you.

And since I don't have any photos of me running yet, please enjoy this photo of me feeding a squirrel.

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