Thursday, March 11, 2010

Looking forward to the first big market of the season.

I've often thought that crafters and artisans are a bit of a rare breed. We show up at markets, all of us hauling boxes, lighting and display stuff - it's kind of like the circus came to town. And we're the carnies.

A lot of us "do the circuit". We see each other sometimes every weekend during the busy holiday season, then we go for months not seeing each other at all. January and February and most of March are the down times. So it's a real build up to the first big market of the season. That market in Vancouver is the Portobello West market on the last weekend of March.

The excitement is palpable. All the sellers who haven't seen each other for months are yelling hellos and hugging and smiling. And the people who show up at the market feel the excitement too. New spring and summer goods are on display, bright clothing, colourful artwork, must-have accessories. It's a lot of fun, that first market.

So why not come down and make an afternoon of it? There's specialty coffees and good food available outside. And a whole market full of amazing, hand made, locally designed fabulous finds inside!

I'll be running a contest/draw as well. As you may have heard, I'm running a 1/2 marathon in May and raising money towards cancer research. There will be a donation jar on my table. Anyone who donates $2.00 will be entered in a draw to win a $20.00 BuenoStyle gift certificate. Anyone who donates $5.00 will entered in a draw to win a $20.00 BuenoStyle gift certificate! All you have to do is donate, and fill out the form provided with your name and phone number. It's that easy!

Anyone who donates $10.00 or more will be eligible for a tax receipt as well. Here's the link to my personal fund raising page, if you are so inclined.

I look forward to seeing your smiling faces!

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