Thursday, February 3, 2011

I thought maybe I should blog about something other than cats . . .

I'm trying to write more about my creative process. I really don't know what to say when people ask me questions about my where I get my inspiration. I have so say something, so my closest truth is that I just get inspired by the vintage objects themselves. I'm drawn to certain odd bits and bobs, detrius, flotsam and jetsam. For example, my dream vacation would involve a trip to Dead Horse Bay.

Romantic, no?

Here's my last vintage score. When I get a batch of new (old) objects, I get inspired. I posted this batch on flickr, and added notes on all of the objects. If you're interested, check it out.

People seem to really enjoy visiting my studio - ooohing and aaawwing over my curated collection of objects. My cabinet of curiosities.

I might possibly take it for granted. But if I think about it, it really is my retreat, my working space, and my wonderland.

Sometimes, around the holiday season, it looks like a craft fair bomb went off...

And sometimes it is actually, mostly clean . . .

Sometimes I'll take photos of works in progress . . .

Sometimes I find weird thing on the street outside my studio door . . .

Sometimes there is a magical rainbow outside my studio window . . .

My studio is where I get to hang my kitchy art . . .

Sometimes I'll wait on the corner for taxi (to take me to a market) with all my gear and my trusty companion "Justy."

Yeah. I guess I am pretty lucky. Now if only I had a studio cat . . .

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