Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Big One . . .

I do a lot of markets and events around the "holidays", but the huge 2-day Portobello West Fashion and Art Market is one of the best!

This year I will have all of my best pieces displayed in a booth right at the entrance, including a preview of my Spring 2010 line which uses a new technique of collage images inside the lockets (as shown above). But hey, never mind me, come out to meet over 110 local artists and designers and shop for one-of-a-kind fashion and art in one of Vancouver's most impressive indoor venues.

And don't forget my first ever contest! You might need to pick up a new piece of BuenoStyle or OAK jewelry so you can take a snapshot over the party season and win this!

Two Day November Market, Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th, from 12pm to 6pm.

at the Rocky Mountaineer Station,
with $2 admission for the public (children 12 and under get in free!),

For directions on how to get to the Rocky Mountaineer Station, plus free shuttle information, check here.

1 comment:

  1. oh nice bee locket christie.
    wherever did you get such a creative idea?
